"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place." - Maya Angelou

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wings of Forgiveness

Is it harder to love someone or forgive them? Definitely forgive in my book, which is sometimes the hardest part of love. Color Purple is one of my, if not the top of my all time favorite movies. it has love, lost, great quotes (You told Harpo to beat me!) and the power of loving reckless . . . which often includes some serious forgiveness.

Anybody who knows about the Black church, especially down south, they are serious about their 'LIGION. That's not always about praise, but about the customs and bylaws of the church. And the biggest issue is often teenage pregnancy - when the babies of babies who were getting down, start getting down, and the parents are shocked and apalled. The girl is austracized and labeled for a moment of weakness. And if she's the preacher's daughter, well she's outta there. Shug Avery was sexy and sultry in Color Purple. But underneath the sequins she was still the brokenhearted girl trying to dull the pain of losing her father's love. Hearing her daughter sing what use to be her song sparks Shug to try once more to get back in his warm embrace and be forgiven. She bust in the church and they are rocking right along with the folks from her juke joint. Her dad puts his pride aside to welcome her with open arms. He not only freed her, but himself. It definitely isnt easy - especially for parents who place such high hopes on their children - but loving people as they are and forgiving them when they aren't the people we want them to be, is real love, for better or worse.

God was definitely trying to tell them something . . .

Monday, February 9, 2009

Loving Me

Tonight at the Grammys some disturbing news surfaced: Chris Brown and Rihanna had a domestic dispute. Very shocking. Very sad. Say a little prayer for them.

There are no gurantees in love. Does that mean you don't take the risk? Nah.

But before you can truly love someone else, you have to fall in love with yourself and accept you for your faults and frailties.

Rihanna loved herself recklessly, that in one of her dark moments, she chose life and pressed charges against her boyfriend. That's something never easy for anyone, and only magnified in the flashing lights of being one of the most famous people in the world.

Love yourself reckless and to wholeness. And send some love and positive energy to women who have been battered and abused.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy February!

This is loves official month, so get to loving:)

Love isn't always kumbaya singing, but pulling from deep inside to do more good than bad, biting your tongue for quick responses and allowing yourself to feel - the good and the bad. This is one my favorite poems, by one of my favorite poets, and the basis of one of my favorite books of the same title (a lot, I know)

If you come softly

by: Audre Lorde

If you come as softly

As wind within the trees

You may hear what I hear

See what sorrow sees.

If you come as lightly

As threading dew

I will take you gladly

Nor ask more of you.

You may sit beside me

Silent as a breath

Only those who stay dead

Shall remember death.

And if you come I will be silent

Nor speak harsh words to you.

I will not ask you why, now.

Or how, or what you do.

We shall sit here, softly

Beneath two different years

And the rich earth between us

Shall drink our tears.
